So here I go... I have decided to try to remember (pregnancy brain permitting) to blog at least a couple of times a week. I want to be able to share more about our lives with the people that we love the most! With my sister living in Kansas and my other sister probably moving out of state soon I felt the need to have some connection on a more regular and consistent basis. Thus, I have created a blog for our family.
So with all of that in mind... here goes a brief update on what has been going on in the couple of weeks.
2. Jake has been going to his Mommy and Me class twice a week and I have seen in just the past month him grow into his own skin. He seems much more comfortable with himself, confident and ready to meet new people. He loves to learn and then wants to drive to RoRo's work to show him what he made in class that day. He is such an amazing little man, who continues to grow each day. Lately we have been blessed to be able to share, and I think with some understanding, how much God loves him and how he is blessed by God to have all the things he does. I love it, he calls him the "The Jesus Guy" and tells me how he makes him not scared at night anymore.
3. RoRo, Daddy, my Honey- He has been so busy! He went to Kansas last week on business for three days and seemed to have a good time, although he is always ready to come home and boy were we ready this week! He is going to be playing flag football on Sunday's starting soon so that should be an adventure! He is such an amazing daddy, which only makes me fall in love with him more. Each time I see him with his boys, it melts my heart. Last night, at 7, I went to get Jake after the service. As we walked into the main building he saw his RoRo and went running to him. Even though Ricky was in the middle of a conversation, he quickly grabbed Jake, swung him into the air and gave lots of hugs and kisses. Those kinds of moments make my heart melt......
4. Mommy and Baby Boy #3- So this past week has been hard, but I am truly blessed in many ways. I am blessed to have amazing people in my life who drop what they are doing to help me. I am blessed to have amazing medical care and doctors who have made it a priority to make sure that I am taken care of and that the health of me and my little baby boy are a priority! I am blessed to have a husband who will sleep in a hospital chair for two nights because he knows that I don't want to be alone. I am blessed to be home! Thank you Lord for showing yourself to me through others this past week!
So that is all for now..