Tuesday, March 17, 2009

AHhh... A good time!

The last couple of days the weather has
been amazing! Now that we are all over our yuckies, I have been trying to get the kids outside more to run some of their energy off...... Yesterday we played outside most of the morning and then after naps we took about an hour long walk which was nice. I am not saying we got very far... Cause Carter wanted to "walk" all the way so in reality we only made it around the block but still it was an hour outside.

Carter is a little mini-Jake, which makes me laugh on a daily basis. Yesterday while we were walking Jake stopped to "read" a For Sale sign in the neighborhood. Carter then decided to get over to where Jake was standing and "read" the sign as well. It was super cute to see him trying to be just like big brother. We have had lots of talks with Jake about how imortant being a big brother is and the responsibility that goes along with it... he always takes it very seriously telling us that "they always want to be just like me mom, what am I gonna do?" My response: Do the right thing, always, so they will try to do the right thing too!

Noah has gotten so big over the last few weeks... he is really getting around on the floor and wants to stand up on everything! I am thinking he will be walking in no time! He has almost 10 teeth... which is the same as Carter! Ya I know! His smiles brightens my world. He is such a little sweety! He loves everyone. Loves to smile. Laugh. Play. He loves his big brothers so much and wants to "kiss" them all the time.

Here are some fun pictures of Jake and Noah.... there are none of Carter... because lately he has been running from the camera.... so here you go. Enjoy!

PS.. notice Jake's black eye! He was not the first though... Carter has already had one!