That is me this week.... I am in a funk I think and I know I just need to snap out of it but for some reason that is harder to do than one would think. So here I am, 10:50pm... awake and frustrated that I can't sleep because I can't turn off my mind. Some things I am thinking about right now:
1. Why am I so emotional?
2. How can I have a less emotional conversation with my husband, certainly he is not as emotional as I, therefor the emotion ends up being one sided and I'm the only one upset?
3. How can I be a better communicator?
4. Laundy..... laundry.... laundry....
5. My babysister is moving... to THAILAND.. yes THAILAND PEOPLE!!! I am super excited that she is going... because I know how much it means to her to go, but I am sad at the same time. Who am I am going to google chat with at 1:00am if she is gone??
6. Why do my muscles have to hurt so bad....??
7. Why do I sound so whinny in my head???
8. Gosh I wish I was sleeping now....
9. Please God don't let me be getting sick... my throat is killing me!So that is just the top of the list... really I could go on and on but that is probably why I am not sleeping.... lol...
I am going to change my week! I want to have a good week, a good attitude, more patience, more fun, and more smiles! I want to be out of my funk!!
Good night!