Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fun play date!!

Today we had a nice morning. It started off a little on the crazy side but we ended up meeting up with Wendi, Judah and Aly at Mojave Narrows to let the kids play and run some of their energy out! I don't think either of us planned on it being that warm so after about and hour of playing outside we decided it was time for Juice It Up!! The boys pretended they were McQueen racing to have smoothies... you got to love their imagination. Judah and Jake are the same age and they really seem to get along great. Carter did his best to keep up with the big boys and occasionally I found myself climbing something someone my age should not be climbing... =) I had to get Carter down cause he would get up high and then could not get down... it was still a funny sight, me climbing all over kids playground equipment.
We went for Smoothies and since their was no where to sit we plopped down on the sidewalk outside and enjoyed the shade and cool drinks. I had a really nice time visiting with Wendi and I know Jake had a blast!
We are now off to take naps and maybe get some laundry done!


Heidi - said...

Sounds like a fun, relaxing day visiting and playing!! I love it when a mom has to climb into a jungle gym to pry their small child out, who really is just wanting to keep up with the big kids. I've had to do that more than I can count with Caleb trying to keep up with Justin. Fun memories.

How'd the laundry go?? : ) !!

See you tomorrow!!

twin power mommy ♥ said...

i like having to "save my kid" from the play gym.
It gives me an excuse to climb around for a second...but then i get grossed out by the lack of cleanliness inside those things; so we quickly get out and go home to wash up!