Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What a weekend!

Gosh... we had such a busy wonderful weekend! My little sister is moving to Thailand so we had a really nice going away party this weekend for her... it was crazy trying to fit 40+ people into my parents house cause the weather was to cold to be outside. My mom, myself, my two sisters and my Aunt Debbie cooked like we were on Iron Chef on Friday night and Sat during the day to feed all those people! It was such a great time and such great memories!

Sunday, Carter came down with a really high fever. He was bouncing between 102 and 104 so we decided to call off the dedication at church and took him to the hospital. He has a double ear infection and a throat infection... my poor baby! It made me so sad to see his little body so sick!

On a good note, since we worked so hard this weekend I slept like a ROCK!! WOW! It was great. Even though Noah is still getting up in the night... I know, I know... we are working on it! I went right back to sleep and it was amazing!

My sis leaves tomorrow at noon... I am really trying hard not to think about it. How does one go from seeing your sister more than twice a week to not for a whole year or more?


twin power mommy ♥ said...

That's hard....

your sister leaving AND carter not sleeping at night.

Eli didn't sleep through the night until he was 7 months old...and even then, he woke up once for a feeding.
It was tough.
Whew...glad those times are over.

Just remember this, to, shall pass! It's a short lived phase...

twin power mommy ♥ said...

i'm sorry. i'm such a dork...i meant to put Noah not carter!