Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Everything happens for a reason....."

How many times have we heard this said to us? When something horribe, out of our control and sad happens... people often say, "well, everything happens for a reason..." or "God has a plan, and it all happened for a reason." But when you are in the moment... doesn't that just feel like something people say? To me it does... Even though I am guilty of saying it as well. I think sometimes people just don't know what to say so that is what comes out.

Most recently I was thinking back to some (at the time) sad things that had happened in my life. Things that were out of my control and were devistating to me. My heart was broken, my life was changed and I thought at the time that there was no good reason for why this was happening to me and to my little guy Jake. But its amazing how God changes your heart. How He has already planned out how it will all come together.

There was a reason, and that reason has been revealed to me recently. As I sat in church on Sunday night, it was the most interesting thing. To my right was the man that I love more than any other human, EVER. My wonderful husband. He has truly been the biggest blesssing in my life. His gentle spirit, his tender heart, his sense of humor, ( I could go on and on.... really I could.. ) He is amazing. Then to my left, there sat a woman with whom my past has been rocky. She is currently married to my ex-husband (Jake's dad). While things have been really rough the past three years, God has slowly healed my heart and allowed a type of friendship to grow there. With her sat my ex-husband. As I sat inbetween my past and my present/future God spoke amazing things to my heart.

Sunday night I learned the reason that "everything happens for a reason". Its because the past to my left could not and would not have been able to cope with the things that God has chosen for my life. The challenges and struggles that have been and the ones to come, God knew I needed Ricky. He knew I needed him. Not only that, but God knew that for whatever reason, the people to my left would not have been there, that night, listening to that service unless, "everything happens for a reason". Its amazing the peace that comes with clarity.
I am thankful formost for my God, who has a plan. I am thankful for the man that God has placed by my side forever. Ricky is truly something to be thankful for. I am even thankful for how my past has come full circle and through the grace of God we are able to share Jesus' love with two very important people in my son's life.


Heidi - said...

Everything... Truly...Does happen for a reason!! Touché.

Heidi - said...

What a weird feeling it must have been to have Mark and his wife sitting next to you and Ricky in church.

The fact that they came to church with you, is proof that you truly are a great example of Christ's love and forgiveness to your oikos.

Mindy Clark said...

Brandi, I got chills reading this blog! Literally! What an amazing story you have! Like Heidi said, it just shows that you are truly and example of Christ's love and forgiveness to you Oikos. I just want you to know that you and Ricky have really set a great example and I pray that God would continue to heal all of your hearts and make that situation as good as possible for little Jake. Thank you so much for sharing this. I love you!