Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I am so excited! Yesterday I got two new books... (thanks Bubba)! Reforming Marriage by Douglas Wilson and The Measure of a Woman by Gene and Elaine Getz.

Ricky and I are both going to read Reforming Marriage.... Our really good friends the Giles recommended it to us... so far so good! And my friend Cassie and I are going to read through The Measure of a Woman together... kind of like two chapters a week and talk about it. I am really excited!

There have been so many times in my life, in my marriage, being a parent, a friend, a woman in general that I have thought "Am I doing this right? Is this what God meant?" I am excited to read some people's perspective on these issues and gain insight from them. I am excited to learn. I think that is something I really enjoy... learning. Learning without the writting of papers or exams... but just good ol' learning. Maybe I will take a class non-credit... just to learn. Something that I am really interested in... maybe child development or something like that... hum?? Idea!!!

Anyway, just wanted to share what was on the night stand right now! Going to go watch So You Think You Can Dance with my hubby.... LOL... I LOVE THAT SHOW!!!


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