Saturday, April 5, 2008

Looking forward to TODAY!

I am so looking forward to this afternoon!! We are going to watch good basketball with good friends and family and eat good food!
I thought I would take a moment to write, Carter is sleeping, Jake is gone for the weekend, and my wonderful husband is golfing (I am so glad he is getting to do something fun after all the hard work he does all week...hopefully we can keep the clubs all in one piece...LOL).
Last night we had a great night, Christopher celebrated his 17h birthday last night at Olive Garden and we had a great time. I don't think I have ever seen a kid eat like Carter and Jake did last night. They both had salad, pasta, cake and anything else we could get in front of them the fastest. It was so much fun to see Jake with his Grandma Debbie... even though we don't see them enough, he sure never acts like it. He wanted to sit with her, eat with her, and snuggle as much as he could get in. We are so lucky to have such wonderful people in our family, that we call our friends.
I am going to work on cleaning the house this morning while Carter is sleeping and hopefully get some thank you cards out from his Birthday party... I am getting so bad at that since life has gotten so busy but I AM GOING TO DO IT THIS TIME!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I am sure that we will see many of you soon! Hugs!


Heidi - said...

Don't feel bad about getting thank you cards out. You have been a little busy, with baby #3, and your health!! Take it easy. I'll come clean your house if you need help??

Hope to see you at 7.

Unknown said...

I am one step closer.... I got the picture that I was to include from the party printed... now all I need to do is address all the envelopes!! Yippie! I sure appreciate friends like you, thank you for always offering to help!