Monday, April 28, 2008


Yeah... After three days in the hospital, I got to come home on Saturday! I am so excited to be with my hubby and my kidos! I think laying there in the hospital only makes me appreciate how much I love my family and miss them when I am gone. Even though I was gone, I am so lucky to have such wonderful, smart, caring people to look after me and the baby until he comes.

So the plan is this... in a little under two weeks I will get an amnio done to check the babies lunch development. If all comes back good, then we will go ahead and induce labor that week. My body is done being pregnant. By then I will be 35 weeks, with steriods already onboard for the babies lungs, and him measuring a whole two weeks ahead in weight. We are praying that alll goes well and that he will be able to come home right away.

I finally kicked the kidney infection after being on IV antibiotics for three days, so the contractions have slowed down a lot. I still have a couple an hour but nothing horrible. They are watching my heart carefully as it has been giving me drama over the last couple of days, and also the shunt I have in my kidney to make sure that I get another infection. It would mean so much to our family if you could be praying for the baby and that he would be ready to come out in the next two weeks so I can get back to feeling healthy and taking care of my family.
I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful family. They have been so wonderful in helping us take care of the boys and making sure that I am taken care of when Ricky is at work. It means so much to us that they care and near by to help.
Doctor's appointment on Wednesday so check on mommy and baby so I will let you all know how it goes then!


Heidi - said...

Let me know if you need any help with the boys. The next few weeks are definitely a lot slower than the last few. So I'll be home if you need me. Take care of yourself and get some rest.

twin power mommy ♥ said...

We'll be praying for you and the baby. Hang in there!