Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Quick Update...

Hey all.. sorry I have been MIA for the past couple of days. Monday I was not feeling good, and then Monday night I starting having a lot of contractions. So on Doctor's orders we headed down to Loma Linda where we stayed all night, only to find out that I have a kidney infection which started the contractions. I got to go home on Tuesday morning around 4:30am and spent the day at my parents so they could help me with the kids. My poor hubby went to work all day.....

Anyway, I am at home now and still feeling under the weather from the infection so any prayers that you all want to send up for me would be great!! I have some errands that I need to run today so I need strength for that too....

Hope to be back to blogging soon!

1 comment:

Heidi - said...

We are back in town now, so let me know if you need anything tomorrow. I'll be home, and I can help you if you need.

I'll continue to pray for you!!